UDTF 表生成函数

UDTF(Built-in Table-Generating Functions)

  • UDF:User-Defined Functions
  • T:Table-Generating

table-generating functions transform a single input row to multiple output rows


explodelateral view

  • explode(ARRAY<T> a)explode(MAP<Tkey,Tvalue> m)

    • 将一个 Array 炸裂(explode,直译是爆炸的意思)成单列多行

    • 将一个 Map 炸裂成双列多行,一列是 key ,一列是 value

    • -- 就是将一行中的 array 或 map 的复杂结构拆分成多行
      select explode(array('A','B','C'));
      select explode(map('a', 8, 'b', 88, 'c', 888));
    • 079

  • lateral view

    • 炸裂函数很方便,但在使用的时候存在局限性:

      • select '111', explode(array('A','B','C'));
        select explode(explode(map('a', array('a','b','c'), 'A' , array('A','B','C'))));
        -- FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10081]: UDTF's are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested in expressions
        select explode(array('A','B','C')), 'col1';
        select explode(array('A','B','C')), explode(array('a','b','c'));
        -- FAILED: SemanticException 1:36 Only a single expression in the SELECT clause is supported with UDTF's. Error encountered near token ''col1''
      • 直接使用的时候,炸裂函数只能单独使用:既不能有其他列,也不能嵌套

    • 而配合 lateral view (直译是侧视图)使用,可以规避这些局限

      • Lateral view is used in conjunction with user-defined table generating functions such as explode()

      • 侧视图的设计意图就是为了解决 UDTF 的这些问题

    • with t1 as (
          select '111' col1, array('A','B','C') col2
      select col1, col3
      from t1
      lateral view explode(col2) t2 as col3;
      with t1 as (
          select map('a', 8, 'b', 88, 'c', 888) col1, '222' col2
      select col3, col4, col2
      from t1
      lateral view explode(col1) t2 as col3, col4;
      -- (避免使用)两个炸裂函数并列使用,会出现笛卡尔积
      with t1 as (
          select array('a','b','c') col1, array('A','B','C') col2
      select col3, col4
      from t1
      lateral view explode(col1) t2 as col3
      lateral view explode(col2) t3 as col4;
      -- (避免使用)嵌套,也会产生笛卡尔积
      with tmp1 as (
          select '嵌套' col1, map('a', array('a','b','c'), 'A' , array('A','B','C')) col2
      select col1, col3, col5
          select col1, col3, col4
          from tmp1
          lateral view explode(col2) t2 as col3, col4
      ) tmp2
      lateral view explode(col4) t3 as col5;
    • 080

  • posexplode(ARRAY<T> a)

    • 类似于 explode(ARRAY<T> a)

    • 区别在于炸成两列,多一列对应数组中元素的 index

    • select posexplode(array('A','B','C'));
    • 081

replicate_rows(n, cols...)

  • 将一行 “重复” 成 n 行

  • n 要求是 long 类型

  • select * from test.test limit 5;
    select replicate_rows(2L, name) from test.test limit 5;
    select replicate_rows(3L, name, art_score) from test.test limit 5;
  • 081a


  • inline(ARRAY<STRUCT<f1:T1,...,fn:Tn>> a)

    • 将 STRUCT 结构数组分解为多行

    • STRUCT 有几列,就返回几列

    • select
              named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '语文', 'score', 70),
              named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '数学', 'score', 80),
              named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '英语', 'score', 75),
              named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '语文', 'score', 65),
              named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '数学', 'score', 60),
              named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '英语', 'score', 93),
              named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '语文', 'score', 75),
              named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '数学', 'score', 73),
              named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '英语', 'score', 79)
      with tmp as(
                  named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '语文', 'score', 70),
                  named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '数学', 'score', 80),
                  named_struct('name', '刘一', 'course', '英语', 'score', 75),
                  named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '语文', 'score', 65),
                  named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '数学', 'score', 60),
                  named_struct('name', '陈二', 'course', '英语', 'score', 93),
                  named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '语文', 'score', 75),
                  named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '数学', 'score', 73),
                  named_struct('name', '张三', 'course', '英语', 'score', 79)
              ) as scores
      select inline(scores) from tmp;
      with tmp as(
              '2020-02-02' as `date`,
              named_struct('name', '刘一', 'score', array(70,80,75)) as scores
          union all
              '2020-02-02' as `date`,
              named_struct('name', '陈二', 'score', array(65,60,93)) as scores
          union all
              '2020-02-02' as `date`,
              named_struct('name', '张三', 'score', array(75,73,79)) as scores
      select `date`, t1.name, t1.course, t1.score
      from tmp
      lateral view inline(
              struct(scores.name, '语文', scores.score[0]),
              struct(scores.name, '数学', scores.score[1]),
              struct(scores.name, '英语', scores.score[2])
      )t1 as name, course, score;
    • 082

  • stack(int n,T1 V1,...,Tn/r Vn)

    • turns k columns into n rows of size k/n each

    • 将 k 列(原列数)的数据分解为 n 行,每行 k/n 列(k 必须是 n 的整数倍)

    • 用于将原本拼成一行的,相同列数的,相同列顺序,相同列类型的数据重新拆分成多行

    • select stack(3,'1','2','3');
      select stack(3,'1','2','3','4','5','6');
      select stack(3,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9');
      select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01');
      select stack(2,'A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') as (cola,colb,colc);
      with tmp as(
              'test' as cola,
              struct('A',10,date '2015-01-01','B',20,date '2016-01-01') as colb
      select cola,`col-0`,`col-1`,`col-2`
      from tmp
      lateral view stack(
          -- colb.*
          colb.col1, colb.col2, colb.col3,
          colb.col4, colb.col5, colb.col6
      ) t1 as `col-0`,`col-1`,`col-2`;
    • 083